Wykład Dziekański prof. Pekka Visuri oraz dr Timo Hellenberg

Miejsce wydarzenia: Lindleya 3, 90-131 Łódź
Czas: 25 kwietnia 2024 (czwartek) 11:00 - Bez zakończenia

Zapraszamy serdecznie na pierwszy w tym roku “Wykład Dziekański” wygłaszany przez dwóch znakomitych Gości z Finlandii - prof. Pekkę Visuri oraz dr. Timo Hellenberga.

Pekka Visuri: The end phase of the Cold War 1988–1992: the German unification and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, seen from the Finnish perspective.

Timo Hellenberg: The Aftermath: Ukraine 2013–2014.

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Poniżej prezentujemy sylwetki Naukowe naszych Gości:

Pekka Visuri, professor, Dr. Pol. Sc. and retired Army colonel, has worked 15 years as researcher at the Finnish Institute of International Affairs in Helsinki (main project: German question from the Nordic perspective, 1990-1993) and from 2008 also at the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki. He has been adjunct professor at the National Defence University in Helsinki, specialized in security policy, strategy and political history, and afterwards some years as senior fellow at the Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki.He has worked in many EU projects, e.g. in two EU/CBSS projects (EUSBR, PA 14 and Anvil), concerning strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, as special area civil protection.

Dissertation (in Finnish): From total war to crisis management. The evolution of defence doctrines in western Central Europe and Finland 1945-1985 (University of Helsinki 1989).

The latest publications include Suomen turvallisuus- ja puolustuspolitiikan linjaukset (ed. 2. edition, Engl. Guidelines for the Finnish Security and Defence Policy, Helsinki: Otava, 2003), Suomi ja kriisit (coeditor with Tuomas Forsberg et al, Engl. Finland and Crises, Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2003), Suomi kylmässä sodassa (Finland in the Cold War. Helsinki: Otava, 2006), Sverige och Finland vid skiljevägen 1808-1812 (co-author, Esbo: Fenix, 2009), Idän ja lännen välissä - puolustuspolitiikka presidentti Kekkosen kaudella (Between East and West – Finland’s Defence Policy during Urho Kekkonen’s Presidency, Fenix, 2010), Maailman muutos ja Suomi (The Change of the World and Finland, WSOYpro, 2011), Timo Hellenberg – Pekka Visuri (eds.), Securing Air Traffic. Case CBRN Terrorism. Aleksanteri Institute, University of  Helsinki 2011), Myrskyn silmässä – Suomi ja uudet kriisit (Finland and new crises, co-author with Timo Hellenberg et al, WSOYpro, 2011), Mannerheimin ja Rytin vaikeat valinnat (The difficult choices of the Finnish leadership during the Second World War, Docendo, 2013), Paasikiven Suomi suurvaltojen puristuksessa 1944-1947 (Finland during the Paasikivi’s presidency in the middle of great power rivalry 1944-1947,  Docendo 2015), Saksan kenraali Suomen päämajassa 1941 (German General in the Finnish Headquarters 1941, Docendo 2017) and Waldemar Erfurthin  sotapäiväkirja 1942-1943 (Waldemar Erfurth’s War Diary 1942-1943, Docendo 2018), Pekka Visuri – Eino Murtorinne, Hitlerin ja Stalinin kaupankäynti Suomesta 1939–1940 (Hitler and Stalin dealing on Finland 1939–1940, Docendo 2019), Mannerheim ja Heinrichs (Docendo 2020), Pekka Visuri – Heikki Talvitie, Kylmän sodan päätös: draamaa Helsingissä, Moskovassa ja Berliinissä (The End of the Cold War: drama in Helsinki, Moscow and Berlin, Into 2023) and Pekka Visuri – Kesseli – Carl-Fredrik Geust, Suomen sodat 1939–1945: selviytyminen maailmansodasta (Finland at war 1939–1945, Docendo 2024).

E-mail: pekka.visuri@kolumbus.fi


Timo Hellenberg, (Dr.Pol. Sc., M.Sc.Econ.) is a CEO and founder of Hellenberg International Ltd and CEO of Hellenberg HK Limited. He has served as a Special Adviser (EU and Foreign Affairs) to Prime Minister. He has 25 years of academic and crisis management researcher incl. at the United Nations (DRD). Board member and Fund manager of the Paasikivi Society; Board member of the Geopolitical Society of Finland; Member of the Finnish-Russian Scientific and Technical Committee; Board Member of the Baltic Civil Defence Network; Senior Advisor at the IMA (Washington); Member of the Advisory Board of the Cyberwatch Finland.

Other recent assignments include:

Project Director: Poseidon – Preventing Terrorism (2007-2008, EU DG JHL), Project Director: Aether - Air Passenger Transport Security in Case of CBRN Threat by Terrorists (2009-2011, EU DG JHL),

Project Partner: Analysis of Civil Security Systems in Europe (2012-2014, DG Enterprise), Project

Partner: Project Mappers – Mobile Applications for Emergency Response and Support (2013-2015,

Civil Protection Directorate), Project Partner: RAIN – Risk Analysis of Infrastructure Networks of

Extreme Weather Events (2014-2017, FP7), Project Consultant: Critical Infrastructure Resilience

Index (2016, Finnish Ministry of Defence, MATINE), Project Partner: Towards an Arctic Business

Possibilities Strategy (2016-2017, Government Council of Finland), Co-organiser: Standing Working

Group of Experts from the United States and Russia; “Workshop on the convergence of violent

extremism and radiological security” Helsinki (Dec. 2018, NAS), Project Partner: Mall-CBRN, Creation of CBRNE protection system for large area shopping malls (2019-2021, ISFP), Project Partner Crispro Knowledge Network (2020-2022, DG ECHO), Project Partner: Prosperes – Protection System for large gatherings of People in Religious Sites (2021-2023, ISFP).

Board member and Fund Manager of the Paasikivi Society; Board member of the Geopolitical Society of Finland; Member of the Finnish-Russian Scientific and Technical Committee; Member of the European Security Research and Innovation Forum (ESRIF); Founder of the CIVPRO Civil Protection Network, Board Member of the Baltic Civil Defence Network; Senior Expert at the International Market Analysis (Washington DC); Member of the Advisory Board of the Cyberwatch Oy Ltd.

Grants: The WSOY Literature Foundation (2017), The Finnish Association of Non-fiction Writers

(2017), the WSOY Literature Foundation (2016), the Finnish Association of Non-fiction Writers (2011), the WSOY Literature Foundation (2011), the US State Department (2007), the US State Department (2006), the US State Department (2005), the Finnish Ministry of Defence (MATINE) (2003), the Finnish Ministry of Defence (MATINE) (2002), the August Ramsay Foundation (1997).

Other recognitions: Medal from the Estonian Parliament (Riigikogu) Defence Council; Recognition

from the Kiev Association of Military Attachés (KAVA); Diplomas from the US State Department andUS Academy of Sciences.

Miejsce wydarzenia: Lindleya 3, 90-131 Łódź

Data i godziny wydarzenia: 25 kwietnia 2024 (czwartek) 11:00 - Bez zakończenia

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