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The project “Become an Ambassador of the University of Łódź – internationalization through collaboration with foreign alumni” has just launched! 

  • We track the paths of our international alumni
  • We promote their successes and stories as inspiration for future students
  • We create a global network of UŁ ambassadors


As part of the project, you have a chance to be a part of promotional campaign on social media, participate in international educational fairs, workshops, webinars and a final conference!

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Are you a graduate of WSMiP UŁ and want to remain part of our community?  Or do you want to keep in touch and get a chance to become WSMiP Ambassador?

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Artem Ovcharenko Odessa, Ukraine

Artem Ovcharenko

Hi, my name is Artem Ovcharenko, and I’m 22 years old. I was born in Odesa, Ukraine, and in 2020 I moved to Łódź to study and build my future. I completed my bachelor’s degree in International Marketing and will be finishing my master’s in International and Political Studies in 2025. Throughout my academic journey, I’ve had the privilege of gaining valuable experience beyond the classroom. I worked at the City Hall of Łódź and also had the incredible opportunity to participate in an Erasmus exchange program in Lyon, France. I can confidently say that my university played a crucial role in opening these doors for me. What I appreciated most about my studies was the practical approach to learning. Many classes focused not just on theory but on real-world applications, with professors making every effort to ensure we truly understood the subject matter. I am deeply grateful to my faculty for equipping me with essential knowledge that I continue to use every day.

Привіт! Мене звати Артем Овчаренко, мені 22 роки. Я народився в Одесі, Україна, а у 2020 році переїхав до Лодзі, щоб навчатися та будувати своє майбутнє. Я закінчив бакалаврат за спеціальністю «Міжнародний маркетинг» і у 2025 році завершу магістратуру за напрямом «Міжнародна та політична наука».   Під час навчання я мав можливість здобути цінний досвід поза межами аудиторій. Я працював у мерії міста Лодзь, а також взяв участь у програмі обміну Erasmus у Ліоні, Франція. Можу з упевненістю сказати, що саме університет відкрив для мене ці можливості.   Особливо мені подобався практичний підхід до навчання. Багато занять були спрямовані не лише на теорію, а й на реальне застосування знань, а викладачі робили все можливе, щоб ми глибоко розуміли предмет. Я безмежно вдячний факультету, на якому навчався, за важливі знання, які використовую й до сьогодні!


INTERNATIONAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES is a program that combines knowledge from the fields of international relations, political science, economics, and cultural studies. The curriculum provides an interdisciplinary education in social sciences and humanities, preparing students for second-cycle studies. By integrating various subfields of social sciences and humanities with politics as their common denominator, students gain a strong foundation for developing specialized interests within their chosen fields.

Additionally, the program broadens students' perspectives on the complexity of the modern world and the multidimensional nature of socio-cultural phenomena and processes. It also helps them understand the functioning of national and international organizations and institutions involved in various aspects of politics.

Major offers three specialization fields:

  • American Studies
  • Asian Studies
  • Politics & Policy in Europe

Get to know more about specializations and major subjects here.

The INTERNATIONAL MARKETING undergraduate program, designed as a practical-profile degree taught in English, is tailored for both Polish and international high school graduates with strong English skills who aspire to build careers in international companies and public organizations.

The curriculum includes over 1,200 hours of marketing and business-related courses, grounded in the broader context of social sciences. Given its practical focus, the program is delivered by academic teachers with professional experience in businesses and public institutions, as well as external lecturers—practitioners working in international corporations, consulting agencies, non-profit organizations, and public institutions at both local and central levels.

Find more.


INTERNATIONAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES is a program that combines knowledge from the fields of international relations, political science, economics, and cultural studies. The curriculum provides an interdisciplinary education in social sciences and humanities, preparing students for second-cycle studies. By integrating various subfields of social sciences and humanities with politics as their common denominator, students gain a strong foundation for developing specialized interests within their chosen fields.

Additionally, the program broadens students' perspectives on the complexity of the modern world and the multidimensional nature of socio-cultural phenomena and processes. It also helps them understand the functioning of national and international organizations and institutions involved in various aspects of politics.

Major offers three specialization fields:

  • Conflict Management  & Negotiations
  • International Marketing
  • Governments & Governance

Get to know more about specializations and major subjects here.


Pismo przewodnie projektu z podpisem Dziekana WSMiP

Become an Ambassador of the University of Łódź – Internationalization through Collaboration with International Alumni
Fostering Connections with Global Alumni

In 2024, the Faculty of International and Political Studies at the University of Łódź launched the project "Become an Ambassador of the University of Łódź – Internationalization through Collaboration with International Alumni" as part of the Welcome to Poland program, funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The project's goal is to maintain connections with international alumni, monitor their career paths, and promote their success stories.

The University of Łódź is expanding its activities through a pilot project promoting internationalization at the faculty level. Focused on the Faculty of International and Political Studies, the project aims to promote the International and Political Studies (BA and MA) and International Marketing (BA) programs. A key element of the campaign is the "personal stories" and achievements of alumni, which will serve as inspiration for future students, particularly from Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan.

Main activities within the project:

  • Developing a system for tracking international alumni career paths and building relationships with them.
  • Creating promotional materials showcasing alumni achievements.
  • Conducting a promotional campaign using social media, the faculty's website, and an English-language informational brochure.
  • Participating in international education fairs in Azerbaijan and Turkey.
  • Organizing a closing conference for the project, involving UŁ staff, students, and invited international alumni.

International alumni will not only be the focus of the campaign but will also be actively involved in its implementation as ambassadors of the University of Łódź. The project outcomes will contribute to the development of a long-term program integrating international alumni into the university’s promotional activities.

Project coordination: Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Łódź
ul. Składowa 43
90-127 Łódź

FB: wsmipunilodz

The project is funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange under the Welcome to Poland program.
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