Dr Barbara Jundo-Kaliszewska autorką w monografii Routledge

We are pleased to announce that the latest monograph entitled "Gender Equality in the EU and Ukraine. Women’s Rights in a Time of War", published by Routledge, includes a text by an employee of the University of Lodz i.e. Dr Barbara Jundo-Kaliszewska.

Cover of the book in question

Dr Barbara Jundo-Kaliszewska, who works at the Department of Theory of Politics and Political Thought at the Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz, is the author of the chapter "Ukraine in Narratives of Female European Political Leaders Since 2022"

The book provides a comprehensive analysis of gender equality and women’s rights in Ukraine and the European Union, focusing on both political-security and economic-social dimensions. It is a valuable resource for universities, research institutes, think tanks as well as civil society organisations engaged in gender equality, human rights and peacebuilding in Ukraine and Europe. The publication is of interdisciplinary nature. It integrates research from politics, law, sociology, international relations, economics and pedagogy, which makes it applicable to both general and specialised courses. It is addressed to researchers and students in the social sciences, offering key insights for courses in Gender Studies, Political Science, International Relations, Human Rights Studies, Eastern Policy of EU, Development Studies and European Integration, and providing a foundation for critical reflection on gender equality policies and EU integration.

We encourage you to read it!

Source: Routledge