According to the order of the Rector of the University of Lodz No. 107 of April 27, 2023. on the division of the academic year 2023/2024, the summer examination session lasts from 17th June to 7th July , 2024.

The make-up examination session at WSMiP lasts from 12th to 30th September 2024 (excluding 18-20 September 2024).

Deadline for taking exams and getting credits:
- Exams (E) from June 17th to July  7th, 2024; 
- Diploma seminars (BA, MA) and final credit assessments from June 17th to September 30th 2024;
- Make-up exams (E) from September 12th to September 30th,  2024 (excluding 18-20 September 2024)

1. Only a student who regularly participated in a course, has an active student status in course USOS system can take an exam/ final credit assessment. 
2. For each course ending with exam (E) there are two terms: the first term (17.06.-7.07.2024) and make-up session (12.09-30.09.2024- excluding 18-20.09.2024) 
3.  A student who failed exercises classes cannot take the final exam.  
4. The student is required to take exams and final credit assessments at the appointed  time.  Excuse for absence during an examination should be proven and delivered immediately to the teacher.  Applications for extension of the exam session will be accepted only in exceptional cases confirmed by appropriate documentation.
5. Grades should be written by lecturers to protocols in UsosWeb system within 7 days of the pass or exam. Students are advised to verify the grades in UsosWeb system. Any discrepancies shall be immediately notified to the teacher running the subject but not later than on  Septemeber 30, 2024.
6. The student who  failed a course may ask for conditional registration for the following semester or a grade repetition by applying to the Vice -dean for the Student’s Affairs not later than October 16, 2024. The student is allowed to apply: For 1 subject – if having a previous fail and  conditional registration;  For 2 subjects – if not having coitional registration. 
7. Before taking the exams and final credit assessments students are requested to be acquainted with the Faculty Council resolutions regarding the subjects that cannot be passed conditionally - (list available on the Faculty website).  
8. All subjects must be passed till September 30, 2024.

Vice dean for Student Affairs
Dr Agata Włodarska-Frykowska