UŁ dla dzieci – akcja charytatywna Rady Osiedla Akademickiego

The University of Lodz Dormitory Residents' Council together with the Rector of the University of Lodz – Prof. Rafał Matera, under whose honorary patronage the charity campaign "Od studentów dla dzieci" [From Students to Children] is organised, cordially encourage you to participate in a collection of sweets for children hospitalised in the Central Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Lodz. The collection on the premises of the University of Lodz Academic Campus will run from 3 March to 3 April of the current year.

Sweet gifts can help bring a smile to the faces of young patients during this extremely difficult time for them – after all, who doesn't like sweets? With this gesture, the academic community of the University of Lodz also wants to cheer them up and prove that they are not alone in their struggle and that they are surrounded by people ready to support them in these difficult moments.

The university is not just a school, UniLodz is above all a community ready to cooperate and eager to engage in social matters. The commitment of the entire academic community brings benefits to the entire community of the University of Lodz, which, thanks to organising this campaign, will have an opportunity to integrate and shape empathy and social sensitivity, which are so important in today's world.

Any interested member of the academic community of the University of Lodz can take part in the collection – from students to academic staff and the university administration. The sweets collected throughout the month will be sorted and packed into colourful packages by volunteers, who will organise a ceremonial handover of the packages to children at the CSK UMed hospital in April.

You can leave the sweets in the following locations:

  • The University of Lodz Dormitory No 2 "Balbina" 
  • The University of Lodz Dormitory No 3 "Pretor" 
  • The University of Lodz Dormitory No 5
  • The University of Lodz Dormitory No 7
  • The University of Lodz Dormitory No 9 "Hades" The University of Lodz Student Dormitory No10 "Olimp" 
  • The University of Lodz Dormitory No 11The University of Lodz Student Dormitory No 13 
  • Student Canteen Building
  • The building of the Service Centre for Students and PhD Candidates (COSID), Lumumby 1

We encourage you to join the campaign!

Edit: Press Office, University of Lodz