Uroczysta Inauguracja roku akademickiego 2022/2023

Dean and Faculty Council

International and Political Studies at the University of Lodz

are honored to invite

for the solemn Inauguration of the academic year 2022/2023


The ceremony will take place

September 29, 2022 at 1:30 PM

in the Council Room of the Faculty of International and Political Studies
University of Lodz


We invite you to participate in the Inauguration via the website


Only invited guests may participate in the ceremony stationary




1. The national anthem

2. A speech by the authorities of the University of Lodz

3. Speech by dr. hab. Ryszard Machnikowski, prof. UŁ, Dean of WSMiP

4. Matriculation

5. Inaugural lecture by dr. Timo Hellenberg "European security in the context of Russia - Ukraine"

6. A speech by a representative of the Faculty Student Self-Government of WSMiP

7. Gaudeamus