Rekrutacja – ponad 50 kierunków studiów podyplomowych na UŁ

Admissions for non-degree postgraduate studies at the University of Lodz is underway. All those interested can choose from over 50 study programmes at almost all faculties of our university this year.

Prospective students of postgraduate studies

In 2024, the current offer of non-degree postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration has been expanded by three newly created study programmes:

  • Legal Support for Projects Financed from EU and National Funds
  • New Technologies Law – Business and Public Sector Support
  • Public Finance Law.

A year earlier, four new postgraduate study programmes were launched at the University of Lodz:

  • Psychology in Business (Faculty of Educational Sciences)
  • Audit and Energy Characteristics of Buildings (Faculty of Management)
  • Accessibility Management in Practice (Faculty of Economics and Sociology)  
  • FinTech  (Faculty of Economics and Sociology)  

The list of study programmes offered this year includes those that have been very popular for years and are unique on a national scale, such as the Voice Disorder Rehabilitation conducted by the Faculty of Philology.

Detailed information on registration deadlines, required documents, lecturers, as well as descriptions of individual study programmes curricula can be found on the Postgraduate Studies 2024/2025 website.

Importantly, not all studies conduct admissions in the IRK system. However, the necessary data can be found by clicking on specific items listed in the table in the link above. They will take you to subpages of postgraduate studies and their corresponding faculties.

You should know that some postgraduate study programmes offer a 10% discount for graduates of our university. A constantly updated list of Faculties that provide discounts for holders of the Alumni Card for the academic year 2024/2025 can be found on the POSTGRADUATE STUDIES WITH ALUMNI CARD website.

Non-degree postgraduate studies at the University of Lodz are a unique opportunity to develop and expand your competences in a specific area. A rich offer, gradually expanded from year to year, and qualified lecturers who are experts and very often practitioners provide excellent preparation for the profession and open the way to a career in a given field.

Michał Strzelec, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz
Photos: Bartosz Kałużny, Communications and PR Centre, University of Lodz