starts on the 25 February 2025 at 9.00 a.m.
and finishes on the 16 March 2025 at midnight.
PE classes start on the 3rd March 2025 although the registration will be open longer.
- Physical education classes of 60 hours (30 h per semester) are compulsory for full-time first-cycle students and for uniform Master’s students and are in a stationary form. Please check in your study program when PE classes arescheduled for you (which year and which semester) and enroll for the classes only when it is applicable.
- PE classes take place once a week and are 90 minutes long (i.e. 2 didactic hours).
- At each faculty PE classes are scheduled on a specific day (see the table below).
- Students of Sport Pedagogy and Physical and Health Education do not take part in the registration.
- Students who undertake studies in the second field may decide whether they want to participate in physical education classes and enroll in the classes, or, having completed the basic course, apply for the transfer of the subject grade. To do so, they are asked to write a suitable document in their dean's office. They do not register for classes.
- The student can choose one of the 19 disciplines ranging from intensive sports activities to pro-health classes.
- The Department of Physical Education and Sport at the University of Lodz does not accept any medical leave. As part of PE classes, it creates conditions for participation in sports and recreational activities for people with various interests and levels of physical fitness, also for people who previously had sick leave for health reasons.
- A student with dysfunctions (posture defects, eye defects, chronic injuries, etc.), knowing their health condition, should choose classes prepared especially for them, e.g. health gymnastics, rehabilitation groups, yoga, relaxation exercises. In case of doubt, you can use the medical certificate form to obtain a doctor's advice on which classes the student should enroll in, or to which semester / academic year to transfer the classes. A form filled out by a doctor with the option to move classes to the next semester / academic year should be delivered to the DEAN'S OFFICE OF YOUR FACULTY. At the student's request, the form will be sent by e-mail ( or is available on the website: ( in „Regulaminy i inne dokumenty” tab.
The document presents time slots reserved for PE classes by each faculty in the summer semester 2024/2025. However, the date of the classes can beselected another than the time slots suggested in the document.
Token registration instruction
1. Go to the website
2. Token registrations can be found in the module "FOR STUDENTS" in the tab REGISTRATIONS-Token REGISTRATIONS.
3. After clicking on the registration list page on the registration code (3701-WF) for physical education classes, you will be taken to the page with the list of classes and groups available for registration.
4. To sign up for the chosen class, hover the mouse cursor over the basket icon. A balloon message appears: "Please request registration." Click on the basket icon. Just clicking it does not mean that the student has been registered for the course. Before the end of the micro-tour, the student can unsubscribe and ask for the cancellation of the enrollment request by clicking on the basket again. If after hovering the cursor over the basket, the message "Cannot register now" is displayed, it means that there is a microbreak at the moment and you should wait until the next micro-tour starts.
5. Information whether the student has been registered by the system will be displayed in the "My registrations" window after the start of the next micro-tour.
6. In the same place, the student can unsubscribe from the class for which he was enrolled by clicking on the basket with the red arrow.
7. It may happen there won't be free places in the chosen group. In such a situation, the student must register for the most suitable remaining dates or classes.
8. Each student who is required to enroll in physical education classes should have the token 3701-CW. This can be checked in REGISTRATIONS> tokens> token registration basket. If it is not there, please report this fact to the e-mail address:
9. You can choose any PE group you want, in a different time slot than that reserved by your faculty as long as it does not interfere with other classes you attend.
10. In the token registration for PE classes the rule: first come, first served applies.